A Himalayan Arcadia (1909)

While Tyacke’s account is flawed by its colonial biases and generalizations, it still offers an engaging reading experience for those who appreciate rich descriptive writing, early travel narratives, and cultural history. Approached with a critical eye, the article can be both an enjoyable read and a thought-provoking exploration of how places and peoples were portrayed in colonial-era literature.

The Gods of Kulu (1909)

An ethnographic account, documenting the religious beliefs, rituals, and cultural practices of the people living in the Kulu region, particularly around the Kulu town, during the early 20th century. It explores various deities worshipped in the region, such as Sibji (Bijli Mahdeu), Jamlu, and Narsingh Bir, shedding light on their origins, significance, and the rituals associated with them. Additionally, it discusses the cultural context of Kulu at the time, highlighting the practicality and self-respect of its inhabitants despite their deeply rooted religious beliefs.

Kulu Customs (1910)

The clothes of the peasant and his family are still generally made by themselves. He wears a round woollen cap, sometimes made from the wool of his own sheep and some-times bought from the Lahoulis; a coat without buttons called cholu whose chief difference from an ordinary coat is that its body consists of twenty or more longitudinal strips sewn together; and trousers called sutni. With these three things the ordinary peasant is contented, and as the cholu and sutni are like the cap often made from his own wool he need not spend anything on clothes. Those who are better off wear a shirt and sometimes a waistcoat in addition. In place of the sutni, knickerbockers called kach reaching only to the knees are worn in the summer, but the sutni is obligatory at melas. The old Kulu costume is however falling into disuse. The cap is now often replaced by a turban and the cholu by an ordinary coat.

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